What is Escape Life?

What is Escape Life?

What is Escape Life ?

Escape Life, a tourism of a new kind!

Halfway between the escape game and the treasure hunt

What is Escape Life? Worthy of a Dan Brown-style plot, Escape Life's enigmatic games let you discover the mystical and mysterious past of towns and villages. In the heart of unusual places closed to the public, look for clues and solve the riddles that will allow you to accomplish your mission. The goal is not to escape from a room in a given time. Your mission takes place in the city, in emblematic outdoor and indoor locations that are exceptionally open to you. Your objective? Successfully pass from stage to stage in order to solve the mission you have been given.

Escapes Life is based on a careful study of the history of the city, its local legends and its heritage. The staging work promises to plunge you into the heart of the mystery.

Fun and educational 

What is Escape Life? Escape Life is education-entertainment! This means that you discover amazing places in a mystery mission while learning about them. Instead of a guided tour and then an Escape Game/Room, I suggest Escape Life... Escape Life enhances heritage and group dynamics in a playful and didactic way. By involving team-building, imagination and staging, you are immersed in an experience that takes you out of time. You discover a kind of nostalgic aestheticism wrapped in a heroic setting of madness... From intrigues to secrets, discover your city. 

Magic, ethics and history

What is Escape Life? Escape Life it's a lot of passion, a lot of magic...
Creating a universe that speaks to your child's soul, finding precious places in the Valaisan heritage, studying history, living, eating and sleeping in the media library, wearing out my shoes on the cobblestones of your town because I have to find the ideal game logic and I'll pass on the other side of the iceberg.

What is Escape Life? Escape Life is also about ethics. Not sourcing from China but recycling and advocating professional integration, modifying and repairing by hand. With care.
The aim ofEscape Life it's not just about money, but above all about a way of life based on quality and respect for the links between people, for the old stone and all that it teaches us.

What is Escape Life?

Discover secret places

Escape Life, for whom and why?


Ideal for team building and company outings
Certified coach on request

Between friends

Strong emotions shared between friends are fun and unforgettable!

In the family

Discover the hidden skills of your children and parents!

In the press

Who is behind Escape Life ?

Escape Life is a playful player in Swiss tourism, based in French-speaking Switzerland. The concept and its derivatives are conceived within the company of Sédun. CULTURAL ENGINEERING GAME GENERATOR.

An innovative concept halfway between an escape game and a treasure hunt in iconic locations. An ideal activity for organising a team-building event or an outing with friends that stands out from the crowd.

Emmanuelle Breiner is the founder, creator and manager of the project and its development.

With the support of a network of partners and tourist offices in French-speaking Switzerland, Espace Life is able to offer life-size games in exclusive historic sites or even secret locations.

Games created on request

You represent a TOURIST OFFICE or a COMMUNE and you wish that your city could propose an escape life as a new tourism offer around your heritage, do not hesitate to contact me!

You represent a COMPANY, a TRAVEL AGENCY etc... and you wish to communicate differently or integrate an Escape Life in your offers, do not hesitate to contact me!

What is Escape Life?